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Emily Angell is a recording artist, singer/songwriter, producer, live streamer, band leader, and obstacle course racing athlete.
Emily Angell is a recording artist, singer/songwriter, producer, live streamer, band leader, and obstacle course racing athlete.
Emily Angell is a recording artist, singer/songwriter, producer, live streamer, band leader, and obstacle course racing athlete.

Emily Angell – Fashioned From Bone – Chris Boccia (Melodic Metal, Hard Rock & Alternative Rock)
Read the full article here.

Read the full article here.

Conoce a The Puro, Rauli V, Emily Angell y The Man Who
Read the full article here.

Salem Times-Register
Getting Ready for the Salem Fair Singer Emily Angell speaks on her journey to the annual Salem Fair beginning on June 29 As the annual...

San Diego Union-Tribune
How I used livestreaming during the pandemic to build my first U.S. tour I was talking to my partner in our living room the first time I...

Just Joe Podcast | EMILY ANGELL
This episode I speak to one of my fellow musician/twitch streamers, Emily Angell (aka Emily is Fun). We talk about her jump from the...

Obstacle Racing Media Podcast
She writes, sings, races, rabbits for ORM and more! Visit Obstacle Racing Media to listen to the podcast.

Letting Go of My Ego
Letting go of my ego has been kind of hard. Last weekend in Palmerton, PA I planned to run both super and sprint races. The Palmerton...

One Hell of a Subplot
There’s something to be said for a solid subplot. At the end of 2019 I decided I really wanted to see how far I could take my racing....

Featured Music of the Week: Pushing Back Against 2020 with Positive Vibes
“Me Myself & I,” by Emily Angell: an electronic trap/pop track, this song addresses those who have wronged Emily in the past and uses the...

Emily Angell 'Me Myself & I'
Emily Angell makes music for two main purposes: to inspire and motivate. Her songs are always anthems to take on life and honestly we are...

BEREL // ORKID // AmPm // Emily Angell // Elley Duhé
‘Boss’ is the anthem for you gals. Getting tough, with a unique touch, is what EMILY ANGELL brings to this world of pop. Read the article.

New Album: Built for This, Press Release
Read the official press release New Album from Indie Singer-Songwriter is Not What You’d Expect “Getting tough, with a unique touch, is...

News 12: Thornwood Singer to Perform at The Pleasantville Music Festival
She's got a great video and a great voice, this is Emily Angell's video for her song "I Got This." - Lisa Salvadorini, News 12 Watch the...

News 12: Volunteers Bring Holiday Cheer to Ossining Nursing Facility
"We see a lot of people having a very good time, wearing crazy things on their heads, they're playing music, it's wonderful."

Town Vibe: Bedford
"...and Emily Angell (a 30-something country/rocker combination of Jewel, Tracy Chapman, and Alanis Morrissette, who sings, plays a mean...

Broadtube Music Channel
Deep down, I didn’t believe I would ever make it happen though. In the last year and a half, that all changed for me. Going out on a US...

Alive with Clive
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